Monday, August 15, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Am I crafty...heck no.

Do I try to make my home warm and inviting...yes.

Therefore I have been trying to muster some craftiness within me to make my house look semi cute.

Here is a glimpse into the place I call home.

I love it here in Rexburg so much...never thought I would say that I have have never been happier and felt more at home:)

If there is a way to display pictures I will find it and do it...I LOVE LOVE pictures in my home!

The rules to our home that I made up and point to constantly when someone isn't following them.

The one cute thing that I have done in Brooklyn's room.

Our family hand prints, which I really love.

(Sorry I cannot take pictures for the life of me...someday I will learn. I promise.)