Thursday, March 18, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

So things have changed in the Poffenberger home the past 3 weeks which is a reason why I am neglecting this blog. I am babysitting my nephews who are 1 and 3 at their house for the day during the week and it has been great for Weston to socialize and play with kids other than me. I have learned that he is a very sensitive child who runs to me whenever a toy is taken away from him but overall he is adjusting pretty good. He loves going outside with the boys and he has learned to climb on everything in sight. Today he managed to climb on their picnic table, which he fell off of, of course, and received his first bloody lip. It has been a great blessing to Ryan and I financially and it feels great to know that we don't have to take huge amounts of money out for student loans. On the other hand, the house is getting more and more neglected as the days go by and dinner has been less than mediocre than what it use to be. Thank goodness Weston and Ryan are not picky eaters cause I would be in trouble. As for the apartment....spring cleaning is going to be a scary sight when the times comes;). Overall, at the end of the day I am exhausted but I feel like a have been productive and that is the best feeling in the entire world.
In other news, Weston had his first case of the stomach flu and it was horrible. He threw up 5 days straight ( I was so proud of myself for surviving day 1...come day 5 I thought I deserved a 5 star vacation) and one day slept for 18 hours! Poor guy...he seriously could not keep anything down and he lost 1 pound because of it. We are now at 23.8 pounds but for some reason feels like 50 pounds. He also got 4 new teeth this week...1 on the top 1 on the bottom and 2 molars. And let me tell you, these molars are creating more drama in our house than ever before. I feel like a am drugging my child like crazy with Tylenol, but it is the only thing that can bring relief to all of us:(.

Weston loves his new magna-doodle from Grammy Marshall. He carries is around all day long and draws pictures that he loves to show us. So fun!


  1. You're such a good mom!! And Weston just keeps getting cuter.

  2. Sick babies are NO fun. I'm glad you survived. Did you book your 5 star vacation yet? You should, you deserve it!
