Friday, November 19, 2010


There is a reason we are using the name Faith as a middle name for Brooklyn.
These days we are using a lot of it.
5 days ago I went to the doctors with a lot of braxton hick thinking it was not a big deal.
It was.
I tested positive on a test that predicts labor early.
I took 6 of these tests with Weston. They all came back negative.
The doctor told me that they would do another cause she believed it was a false-positive.
She was wrong.
It came back positive.
Today I was back in the hospital receiving shots to help our little girls lungs develop faster in case she comes early.
Right now I am only 27 weeks and she weighs less than 3 pounds.
13 more weeks to go.
I am scared to death to be honest.
I have guilt because all Weston is doing all day is watching tv cause I am stuck on a couch on my left side to keep my contractions under control.
He is in heaven though. He gets to watch Cars, Finding Nemo and Toy Story as much as he wants.
I tell him to bring me my phone, blankets, mommy's books and he hasn't failed me once. He is a huge reason why I am staying sane while I am on the couch. He is so much happier since his surgery last week. THANK GOODNESS. I love him more than life.
I haven't even thought about preparing for Brooklyn's arrival. I still have so much to do.
Thank goodness for online shopping and a mother in law who is more than willing to shop for her grand daughter.
My husband has done more for me in the past 5 days that I can comprehend. I am realizing how much he does love me and our family.
He tells me he doesn't understand how I do it everyday. That brings a smile to my face.
However, I will do everything to keep this little girl within my as long as possible
Priesthood blessings are what I am relying on right now.
They are more powerful than medicine.
That and Faith.


  1. Oh my heavens, what a trooper you are! I remember you saying your last pregnancy was hard too. The things we do for these little babes! Perhaps its time we actually get together. I can come by and take your lil man off your hands for awhile. Let me know what i can do to help you out :)

  2. I hope that all goes well and that little girl stays put for a little while longer. Good luck with the business of boys.

  3. I'll be praying for you girl! Keep up the good work. You are sure on very selfless Mommy!

  4. Oh I sooooooo know how you feel! It is SO hard to be stuck on the couch when you have a little one that needs you. Hang in there!!! I was on bed rest for the last 6 months, but Emma survived- TV parenting and all. I'll be praying for you. :)
