So today is the day that I have been so excited about for so long. It is Weston's first birthday and it is very bitter sweet because my baby has suddenly become a toddler who is no longer considered my tiny baby boy. However, I was looking forward to this day until last night when my birthday boy woke up with a temperature of a 103.6 and wanted nothing to do but scream. We had taken him to the doctor earlier in the day who informed us that it was only viral and it just had to take it's course and there was nothing we could do....great. So the doctor asked me if I was giving him any medicine to help reduce his fever which I was. However, I learned last night that my "baby" weighs a whopping 23 pounds and needs a high dose than what I was giving him. Yes, I know Weston is a good eater...but 23 pounds! Jeesh, I hope he slows down once he masters this walking business. So last night I gave him his high dose, which was not working so at 2 in the morning I decided to give him a luke warm bath to help his fever go down. Well, Weston wanted nothing to do with it and I am surprised he didn't wake up the entire apartment complex with his high pitched screaming. Last night I think we all got a max of 3 hours of sleep between rocking, baths, and just trying to get our little boy comfortable. His fever is now at 101 which still stinks but is a lot better than what it was. I feel so bad and to be honest he has been miserable all day long. Thank goodness he doesn't understand its his birthday cause I would feel that much worse. So his birthday will consist of lots of cuddling, Baby Einstein, reading books, and just hanging with mom on the couch.:(
The good news is we celebrated his birthday last Thursday with family so my mom could be at his party before she leaves. We had such a fun time, and Weston was clueless what was going on but he still had fun and I am SO THANKFUL that we got to experience a birthday party. Here are some pictures of the party.
Right before his party he decided to take 10 steps to grammy and me! I was so proud of him!
Poor Weston!! Hope he's feeling lots better. He's the cutest little boy!